Meet the IPC Team

Cat Smith -  Communications & Social Media

Jack Magdzinski -  Web Developer

Jaclyn Thomas -  Compliance Auditor

Alex Stephenson - Admin Assistant

Ben Naden - Admin Assistant

Amy Tingle - Admin Assistant

Simon Oliver - IT Assistant

Cameron Appleby - Social Media and Digital Marketing Assistant

Steering Committee

The IPC Steering Committee members are appointed by invitation only. Membership is made up from the whole IPC membership. The Steering Committee consists of no more than 12 members which include the CEO of IPC, the IPC Membership and Operations Manager and the IPC Interest Group Manager. IPC Steering Committee is an advisory committee made up of stakeholders and experts within the parking industry to provide guidance on key issues such as trade association policy and objectives, marketing strategy and resource allocation. The Committee was created to ensure that it remains focused on being representative of its members.

The Steering Committee can advise and assist with: 

  • Giving input on issues concerning the development of a project or the IPC Accredited Trade Association (ATA)
  • Providing insight on concerns related to the industry.  Actively liaising and engaging with government and consumer groups providing balanced and authoritative advice
  • Looking ahead to understand the implications of legislative change, digital innovation and changing consumer trends
  • Raising standards through the collaborative development of the IPC's Code of Practice
  • Determining what outcomes need to be realised through a project or undertaking
  •  Prioritising steps and goals that need to be taken and realised in a project
  •  Helping develop policies and procedures relevant to IPC operation.  Projecting potential risks and monitoring to eliminate them as required.  Setting timelines and monitoring progress -
  • Offering advice on business or project topics on which it has oversight

Accredited Service Provider Interest Group

The meeting is intended to give the opportunity to update its members on industry news and also give Accredited Service Providers the opportunity to express views and discuss ways in which IPC can help companies as members.

The members are appointed by invitation only. Membership is made up from the whole IPC ASP membership. The ASP Interest Group consists of no more than 12 members which include the CEO of IPC, the IPC Membership and Operations Manager and the IPC Interest Group Manager. ASP Interest Group is an advisory committee made up of stakeholders and experts within the parking industry to provide guidance on key issues such as trade association policy and objectives. The Interest Group was created to ensure that it remains focused on being representative of its members. The Interest Group can advise and assist with: - Giving input on issues concerning the development of a project or the IPC Accredited Trade Association (ATA)- Providing insight on concerns related to the industry- Actively liaising and engaging with government and consumer groups providing balanced and authoritative advice- Looking ahead to understand the implications of legislative change, digital innovation and changing consumer trends - Raising standards through the collaborative development of the IPC's Code of Practice- Determining what outcomes need to be realised through a project or undertaking- Prioritising steps and goals that need to be taken and realised in a project - Helping develop policies and procedures relevant to IPC operation - Projecting potential risks and monitoring to eliminate them as required- Setting timelines and monitoring progress - Offering advice on business or project topics on which it has oversight.

Technology Interest Group

Information to follow

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