We are a
Trade Association, not a regulatory body. This means that whilst we will address concerns raised about our members’ working practices that are not in compliance with our Code of Practice, we will not deal with complaints about individual Parking Charge Notices. If you have a concern, appeal or complaint concerning a Parking Charge please contact the
The International Parking Community (IPC) is DVLA Accredited Trade Association (ATA). This means that because we the IPC have set standards and practices our members can access DVLA data as they adhere to our Code of Practice.
Please visit 247advice website below for helpful information.
Visit the 247Advice.co.uk website it provides you (as a motorist) to understand all you need to know about parking charges which have been issued on private land, and what you should do when you have received a parking charge.
The information will help you to understand whether you should appeal the charge, and the type of evidence you will need to provide to the parking operator, along with other useful tips. It will also help to explain what the parking operator must do when dealing with your appeal.
The Sector Single Code of Practice is overseen by The Private Parking Scrutiny and Advice Panel (PPSAP). An independent panel that was created in January 2025. The purpose of the panel is to create impartial oversight over the private parking Code of Practice, ensuring the Code raises standards for consumers. Learn more about the Panel here:
See Our Motorist Toolkit Here
Yes you can. However, complaints must be lodged with the parking operator in the first instance. When lodging your complaint with the parking company remember to ask for the complaint reference number and anything that will make it easier for the IPC to investigate if the matter is not resolved satisfactory with the parking company.
Before you complain to the IPC you must first complain to the parking operator following their documented process. Once you have received a response and if you remain unhappy you can complain further to the IPC.
To complain to the IPC simply click on the following link https://portal.theipc.info/login/complaints, you will first need to create a user account then you can select the ‘submit complaint’ option.
Within this section you will be prompted to select the parking operator that your complaint relates to, the parking charge number, the subject and the basis of your complaint. Once you press submit, this will be sent to the complaints department at the IPC. All complaints will be acknowledged within 10 working days and concluded within 20 working days, unless extra time is needed and as such you will be updated.
If you would like to find out more information about the different schemes that are available, please contact the IPC Membership Team by completing the form and let's talk about your needs.
Do not use this to lodge an appeal or complaint see the FAQ's where you will find a comprehensive section to answer any questions that you may have and provide instructions on how to submit an appeal or complaint.
All Rights Reserved | International Parking Community